
imPACT van het jeugdwerk #Jeugdwerkwerkt

Lees hier alles over de missie van het jeugdwerk, het DNA van de jeugdwerker, het jeugdwerkeffect en de ambities van het jeugdwerk binnen zes prioritaire thema's! 

Youthworkworks (ENG)

What makes youth work in Flanders (Belgium) unique? With #Youthworkworks we give language to the value and impact of youth work.

Congress #Youthworkworks

On Tuesday, June 6, 2023, we will gather with 500 youth workers, policy makers and people from neighboring sectors at Maison de la Poste in Brussels (Belgium)

What can you expect? 

With #YouthWorkWorks, we create shared language to explain the value and impact of youth work. At the congress, you will be immersed in the mission of youth work, the DNA of the youth worker, and the positive effect of youth work, which we call the "youth work effect" in one word.

In addition, we will launch ambitious goals within six priority themes: 

  • volunteers 
  • digital environment 
  • mental well-being 
  • youth infrastructure 
  • voice of children and young people 
  • crossroads

Together with many youth workers, we determined over the past few months where we want to be with youth work in 2028. And what ambitions we want to achieve within those themes to remain relevant within 5 years.


  • Tuesday, June 6, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m 
  • Evening program from 6 pm to 10 pm


Maison de la Poste, Tour & Taxis Brussels.


  • € 40 (social rate) for students, volunteers, young people or other people who have less financial space 
  • € 70 (standard rate)
  • € 100 (solidarity rate)

Program in English? 

The main language used in the congress will be Dutch, however, we are thrilled to have a small group of international guests joining us. To ensure that everyone can fully participate, we will provide translation services during the morning program by a professional interpreter. In the afternoon, we have two workshops out of over 30 that will be held in English. These workshops focus on the theme mental well-being. The two workshops will offer our international guests an opportunity to engage fully and share their experiences. The evening program is optional and will feature a performance show with music and other acts. 

Welcome (reception)

  • 9u - 9u45

Morningshow (plenum)

  • 9u45 - 11u
The morningshow will be translated live by a professional interpreter.


  • 11u - 11u30 

5 x Youth Work effect
  • 11u30 - 12u30
  • 5 parallel sessions

#Youthworkworks because youth work... 

  • strengthens, grows, and connects children and young people
    central guest = Ine Van Wymersch (Public Prosecutor) 
    + panel discussion with youthworkers and other guests
  • leads to (new) initiatives from children and young people
    central guest = Chokri Mahassine (Organisor 'Pukkelpop' music festival)
    + panel discussion panel with youthworkers and other guests
  • contributes to active and connected neighborhoods 
    central guest =  Dieter Wouters (Mayor of municipality Wuustwezel)
    + panel discussion panel with youthworkers and other guests
  • connects society across borders and domains, thus tackling societal challenges 
    central guest =  Amir Bachrouri (President Flemish Youth Councel)
    + panel discussion panel with youthworkers and other guests
  • challenges and strengthens policy
    central guest = Benjamin Dalle (Minister of youth)
    + panel discussion panel with youthworkers and other guests

These are what we call 'the youth work effect'. For each youth work effect, we have one parallel session that is structured in the same way.

In every session we challenged a central person to write a letter to youth work, describing their experiences with the effects of youth work they see, and how we can increase this impact.

After this central person read the letter, we will discuss it with other youth workers, young people, and anyone else involved in youth work. We also challenge you, as an attendee, to give your own voice to the impact that youth work has on children and young people, (new) intiatives from young people, neighborhoods, society and policy.

We will have a professional interpreter who will provide
live translation for only the most popular session. As an international guest, we will assign you to that translated session. If you prefer to attend a session in Dutch, have a look at the dutch program or contact us.


  • 12u30 - 14u00

  • 9u - 9u45

Participants have the option to choose between 2 short or 1 long session. These sessions are linked to the priority themes that are highlighted in the morningshow: voluntary engagement, digital world of children and young people, mental well-being, youth infrastructure, voice of children and young people, and cross-sectional.

Only 2 workshops will be given in English. Both are linked to mental well-being. As an international participant, we recommend that you choose one of them. If you prefer to attend a session in Dutch, have a look at the dutch program or contact us.

Mental well-being: getting started with the mental well-being framework 

 "Youth workers understand their role in relation to mental well-being and act accordingly." We put this forward as one of the four ambitions within the mental well-being trajectory. To assist youth workers with this, a framework was developed in collaboration with them and professionals from the welfare sector. This framework provides clarity on the specific role that youth workers have in relation to the mental well-being of the children and young people they work with. It also provides the opportunity for youth work organizations to reflect on this and engage in conversation with other professionals and experts in the neighberhood. 

 During this working session, we will extensively explain the framework. Additionally, we will focus on your role as a youth worker regarding the mental well-being of the children and young people you guide. You will work with the framework and look for applications in your own organization.

English - Mental well-being: the positive impact of movement on mental well-being 

Re-soar offers weekly resilient leisure activities for young people between 12 and 18 years old. The focus is on social play, circus, parkour, kickboxing, yoga, and tai chi, with room for discussion and reflection on challenges in daily life. By experiencing and training a resilient mindset, the young people learn to stand in their own power from a connection with each other. 

During this workshop, we immerse you in the methodologies that the youth workers use during Re-Soar. We will work on parkour and some circus techniques ourselves. Afterwards, we will reflect on the vision behind this way of working. 

This workshop is given by Cirkus in Beweging and Arktos. Together they founded Re-soar.

Cirkus in Beweging is an open house for circus education. Personal, artistic, and social circus activities come together and merge into an innovative form of art education.

Arktos is a Flemish expertise center that strengthens children and young people in vulnerable situations and people with disabilities where necessary, and supports parents, schools, partners, governments, and society at large to do the same.

Closing ceremony

  • 16u30 - 17u


  • 17u - 18u

Evening program

  • Dinner (for participants of the evening program only): 18u - 19u
  • Evening program by JES Brussels: 19u - 22u


  • 19u -  Percy (Slam poetry)
  • 19u20 - Maylis (singer/Gospel artist)
  • 19u40 - Circus Zonder Handen

  • 20u - Maple Paper (psychedelic rockband from Brussel)
  • 20u20 - comedy act (to be confirmed)
  • 20u40 - dans act (to be confirmed)

  • 21u -  All Turn / Marius Acho / Le Blanc (Rap performance)
  • 21u20 - DJ set door "Spill the tea" (Inclusive art collective that originated within the youth program of BRONKS)
  • 22u - End

Registration as an international participant?

If you belong to our small group of invited international participants, your spot is reserved. We will contact you to register. You don't have to do anything for now. 

Other international participants are more than welcome to join our program and can choose the English sessions. Unfortunately, registration can only be done through our Dutch registration module, but a translation function in your web browser may be able to help. 

If you encounter any problems with registration, please contact timmy.boutsen@ambrassade.be.